WHY THIS ? There have been several complaints about how students from our department unknowingly skip vital information from their program reps and course reps on their class watsap platforms due to the numerous chats and comments on other matters from colleagues on the platform. How to solve the problem? With adequate skills in web blog site development and maintenance, I will create a web blog for the Association which will hold all vital announcements for the various levels. This will be a daily updated site. On the blog, the pages will be partitioned into the various levels for easy access. If I am elected as the P.R.O, I will reform the media and publicity team making sure every level has a representative. These media team members will be trained on how to login data onto this announcement web blog. So with this skill, the representatives will then work in hand with their program reps to get the vital information which needs to be secured on the Announcement blog. This blog ...