PRINCE ASANTE BOATENG( the overall best nursing student) The graduation ceremony of the School of Nursing and Midwifery , UCC held on Friday November 30 has been left adjourned with interesting histories Over 200 students were fortunate and had the opportunity to throw their coats and caps into the air to say a goodbye to NUSA-UCC and University of Cape Coast as a whole. Meet Prince Asante Boateng from Bibiani in the western region and an old boy from Nkawie Senior High and Technical School in the Atwima Nwabiagya district, Kumasi who was named the OVERALL BEST GRADUATING STUDENT with a CGPA of 3.7333. According to Prince, it was a surprise but exciting moment when he was called upon for a cash prize for being the overall best Nursing graduating student of the 2020/2021 year batch. Prince stated that there were other good students whom everyone thought could take the overall but it didn't turn out so. At the end of the interview, Prince Asante indicated " what seems dif